Saturday, December 1, 2018

World AIDS Day 2018

Today is World AIDS Day, so let's remember those affected, celebrate achievements, and refocus on our mission.

If you aren't familiar with how big of a problem HIV/AIDS is, please take a few minutes to learn about the epidemic:

There are over 36.9 million people living with HIV, and nearly 26% of those live in Africa. Too few have access to treatment or even know their status. However, many organizations are optimistic about recent progress and have a goal of completely eliminating the epidemic by 2030.

In the meantime, we will continue to bring education and nutrition to the children and widows in the Sinanzi region. Ultimately, our goal is to instill a contagious hope - because of the hope we have in Christ. Please continue to fight alongside us. Here is how you can help:

  • Sponsor a Student - $15 a month provides education and food for one of our kindergarten students!
  • Give to the General Fund - Give any amount once or on a recurring basis to help improve our kindergarten, garden, goat farm, and more! 
  • Pray - Continue to pray for the leaders, volunteers, students, and families in this region.
  • Educate - Spread the word. Tell your friends and family that HIV/AIDS is a problem, but one that we can overcome.

Visit to learn more and to join us in our mission to bring hope.

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